Supportive and Educational Resources

At Princess Street Medical Centre, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate healthcare services to our valued patients.

Helpful Links

For Pediatrics and parents

Caring for Kids provides parents with information about their child’s health and well-being.

Hypertension information for patients and family

Advancing the health of Canadians by enabling the detection, prevention and control of high blood pressure and its complications

Diabetes information for patients and family

We've compiled information to help you understand the disease and learn how to manage it. Get started now.

For Obstetrician and Gynecology Public Education

The SOGC is one of Canada’s oldest national specialty organizations.


Information for Canadian Patients.

Canadian Urological Association

Development of urology in Canada since 1945.

Smoker’s Helpline

Smokers' Helpline has proven, free and personalized tools to help you quit successfully.

Cancer Care Ontario

This page lists cancer resources to support people with cancer, family members and caregivers.

Public Health Kingston

KFL&A Public Health is a local public health agency.


Patients and their caregivers can learn more about a medical condition and explore treatment options.

My Pathology Report

Our Diagnosis Library is a collection of patient-friendly articles for more than 500 of the most common pathologic diagnoses.

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